Sysmex Nederland


DSOI technology

Solving the major problem with plasma image design, SPECTRO's DSOI technology uses a vertical plasma torch. The plasma torch is observed by a new variety of direct radial view technology. The SPECTROGREEN has two optical interfaces, which collect the emitted light from both sides of the plasma. All this with just one extra reflection, for extra sensitivity and elimination of problems with dual-view models with vertical torch. In this way, DSOI provides twice the sensitivity of conventional radial systems and avoids the complexity of dual-view vertical models.


The SPECTROGREEN is ideal for analyzing trace elements. In addition, the spectrometer has significant advantages when handling samples with challenging matrices, including certain wastewaters, soils and sludge. Also for samples containing industrial chemicals, high salt contents and metals. The ICP-OES analyzer is suitable for routine analyzes in environmental and agronomy applications, as well as for the safety of consumer products, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food.

Price quality

The SPECTROGREEN has a good price/quality ratio. This is mainly due to the low operating costs associated with the spectrometer. The ICP-OES analyzer saves on consumables through a low-purge optical design (no-purge is also possible with the innovative UV-PLUS option). The spectrometer does not require any additional cooling, meaning that external chillers are not required.


The SPECTROGREEN comes with the latest ICP Analyzer Pro Software, of course. The software is very user-friendly and makes analysis completely transparent and traceable.

Polychromator Thermally stabilized to +32°C ± 0.5°C
Hollow section design in double Paschen-Runge mounting
750 mm focal length
Holographic concave master grating
Grating material Zerodur
Full 1st order wavelength coverage
Wavelength range: 165 - 770 nm
Entrance slits width: 15 µm
Detector 15 Hamamatsu linear CMOS arrays, wavelength range optimized
4096 pixels per array
Optical resolution: 165-285 nm 8 pm, >285 nm 16-23 pm
Thermally stabilized optical system (+32°C ± 0.5°C)
Parallel readout architecture
On board digital signal processor for each detector array
Intelligent data acquisition and data reduction system
Dynamic range up to 9 orders of magnitude
Shortest integration time 0.1 ms
Shortest measurement time for one analysis: 4 sec (includes measurement and evaluation of the complete spectrum)
Integration time automatically optimized for each pixel according to signal height
Full spectrum access
Automatic dark current correction
UV System

Ar or N2* purge, optimized for low pure rates (purge required for measurements < 190nm)
Argon/Nitrogen flow rate: 0.5 l/min
High purge of 4 l/min available for fast startup
Optional UV-PLUS System
Gas (Argon) filled hollow section, sealed, no consumable purge gas required
Automatic gas purifying system
Lifetime of the purifying cartridge: 24 months
Dual Window entrance optics, easy to maintain

RF-Generator LDMOS solid state design
Frequency: 27.12 MHz, free running type
RF power output: 0.5 to 1.7 kW
Power efficiency: >85%
Power stability <0.1%
Automatic plasma ignition
Stand-by mode (low power, low argon)
Fully computer controlled
Air cooled (No external cooling required)
Side-On Plasma Interface (SPI)
Argon purged light path
Argon flow rate: 0.5-0.8 l/min
TDS tolerance: up to 30%
You have a question and would like to get in touch with our experts? We look forward to receiving your enquiry.

Sysmex Nederland B.V.

Ecustraat 11

4879 NP Etten-Leur

The Netherlands

+31 (0)76 508 6000

+31 (0)76 508 6086

Sysmex Belgium N.V.

Chaussée de Bruxelles 135A

1310 La Hulpe


+32 (0)2 769 7474

+32 (0)2 7697499

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