Sysmex Complaints Module
The fastest and easiest way to demonstrate noise pollution
Easy-to-use handset and remote control with sound recording indication
Sound recording possible for almost 19 hours, extendable to 256 hours with SD card
Class 1 or 2 synchronized data with wav. files with excellent audio quality
0.5 second or 1 minute pre-trigger for audio recording
Are you bothered by noise from neighbors and/or your surroundings? Would you like to map noise nuisance in an objective manner? Then the Sysmex complaints module is the solution to measure this noise nuisance in a user-friendly and professional way.
The complaints module is used in combination with a Rion Class 1 or 2 sound level meter. The user decides when a recording is made by pressing the button on the easy-to-use remote control. These sound recordings can be easily listened back later via the PC. You will also be shown the corresponding decibels and you can also share the results, possibly with frequencies in octave or third bands.
The complaints module is supplied in a robust case without external connections and an outer case.
Sysmex Nederland B.V.
Ecustraat 11
4879 NP Etten-Leur
The Netherlands
+31 (0)76 508 6000
+31 (0)76 508 6086
Sysmex Belgium N.V.
Chaussée de Bruxelles 135A
1310 La Hulpe
+32 (0)2 769 7474
+32 (0)2 7697499